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Submission Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in applying for a grant from the Morpheus Foundation. Here are some guidelines for writing a submission.


Your submission needs to be specific otherwise your submission may not be approved


  1. Submissions should ask for under $20K, preferably under $10K 

  2. We  do not give grants for salaries, travel, or accommodation

  3. We give preference to literacy, but we will look at other curricular subjects

Example Submission


Date: 4/8/2024

Name of School: Carlson Public School

ICSEA: 985 

Your ICSEA will be taken into consideration by the Board, but your ICSEA does not have to be under 1000, unless you are a non Public Education school and do not have a DGR.


Contact person: Denise Chambers

Position: Deputy Principal


Address of school: 65 Ferntree Street, Carlson, NSW 2010

Phone number: 02 982 44069

Mobile number: 04406932


We are seeking this grant to further strengthen our literacy teaching, improve literacy outcomes across the school and close the gaps for students at risk of experiencing difficulties. We are seeking further resources to more effectively implement our current Literacy teaching programs. The programs we are using have a strong evidence base .


Carlson Public School implemented the InitialLit program in our K-2 classrooms in 2022 and we have seen much growth in student phonic knowledge since this time, we also use the MiniLit and MacqLit  programs for small group targeted intervention and value the continuity and consistency of systematic phonics teaching in K-2 and beyond. K-2 teachers have all been professionally trained in the effective delivery of InitialLit.


However, our school has a limited number of resources to support the explicit classroom teaching.


We are seeking a grant of $10,381 to purchase MultiLit - InitialLit for implementation in Kindergarten (21 students), Year 1 (28 students) and Year 2 (26 students), and professional learning for three staff members.




This has to be specific, including names of teachers who are to do the workshops and exactly what resources you need, as your submission is sent to MultiLit for a quote.


Professional development

2 staff to attend InitialLit  professional development workshop via videoconferencing, two days

Susan Smith: $1,111

Sally O’Hara: $660


Total: $1,771


Kits and consumables

InitialLit Foundation Kit x 1: $1,980.00

InitialLit Year 1 Kit x 1: $1,980.00


InitialLit Readers Level 1-9 series 1 (classroom set) x 1: $1,950

InitialLit Readers Level 1 - 9 series 2 (classroom set)  x 1: $1,950


Total: $7,860


Phonics Australia

This has to be specific - you cannot just say ‘books’.

Dandelion Catch up Readers

‘That Dog’ series ($125 for a set of 12 books) x 6: $750


Total:     $750


We would like a grant of $10,381

You have to be specific as to how much you would like.


Thank you for your support


Kind regards,

Denise Chambers

4 August, 2024


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